Monday, June 20, 2011

Updates and Backups

So I've spent the last 4 days re-installing, re-creating, and just pulling my hair out due to a hard drive crash.  Some malware virus slipped past McAfee, corrupted McAfee and then forced my comp into a restore loop upon removal.  As a result I had to wipe the entire hard drive back to factory settings.  Lost my last three images.  A little bummed.  I did manage to salvage The Locket from a test print but she'll need some major rework.

But the site looks pretty.  I simplified and simplified some more.  I like it lots and lots.  So I think I'm finally satisfied.

But I need to get back to work painting. Lots of new things to come!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Calling Spring WIP

So here's my new Work in Progress. "Calling Spring"

I'm so itching for spring.  I've had enough of rain and snow and just want to see green!!!

This will get both the full black and white drawing and a watercolor painting. Both originals will be available for purchase in May.

Other than that, I can't wait for the weekend!  Work is so long.  It's the end of the quarter so everything is a bit high stress and all I really want to do is draw. It's making it very difficult to stay focused.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dragon's Tear

So this is a bit confusing and I'm not sure how all this blogging works, but we'll try this out and see how up to date I can keep it. :)

Just added Dragon's Tear to the new drawings section.

She's a drawing I've been working on for the last year on and off.  Just wanted to do something with more of a story telling kind of feel, and I needed some dragon's. Her amulet is the Dragon's Tear.

I'll be painting her shortly, but I need to upgrade my photoshop program since I seem to have lost the original disc and license.  $700.00 down the drain. If anyone's got an old copy of Photoshop 7 or above they want to get rid of for cheap I'm in the market for a copy I can register.  Elements just doesn't cut it.

Still not quite ready to start selling anything yet. I'll be back up soon I promise.  Just have a lot of work to scan and upload and prep for digital archiving.  I almost have all my printers back up and running.  Which honestly was the most costly and important part of getting back into business.